A feature to support employees performs a scheduled performance review. Designed to review an employee’s development performance for an entire year and are “official.”
Essentially, two kinds of performance reviews exist, ongoing review and formal reviews. The ongoing review can happen anytime soon after a person completes a specific goal/task. Usually, it is an unstructured review and concerning on how well the person handled the goal/task at hand.
On the other hand, formal reviews are scheduled (usually once a year although quarterly and 6-months reviews are also common) and are typically done by all managers during the same period. They are designed to review an employee’s development performance for an entire year and are “official.”
Product Designer
Product Thinking, Business Process Analysis, Information Architecture, Visual Design, Interaction, Prototyping & Testing, and Documenting UI Elements
November 2018 – 2020
Agus Iskandar · Product Manager
Nico Ariesto Gilani · Product Designer
Christoper Bobby · Front-end
Hari · Front-end
Irsal Ramadhan · Front-end
Reinhart · Front-end
Andy Dharmawan · Backend
The performance review process within a company can be challenging to deal with. Both the HR team, employees, and managers have their own obstacles in carrying out the performance review process. Not only is it stressful for all parties involved, but it’s also horribly ineffective. According to the Society for Human Resource Management, and as reported in Slate, “95% of employees are dissatisfied with their company’s appraisal process. What’s more, 90 percent don’t believe the process provides accurate information.”
The first part of the research was to understand how the performance reviews were conducted in an organization. We gathered some information from our clients on how they did the performance review, their problem when they do the performance review, and what can be improved from their process.
We also talked with our potential client. We tried to find as many cases as possible from a different perspective.
Key takeaways
Based on the user needs from different organizations’ perspectives, we summarized the key takeaways we hope to achieve with the performance review.
How can we make this performance review work for all organizations and customizable based on their requirements?
How might we help employees fill the assessment objectively?
How might we make this performance review easy to use when employees doing an assessment and when looking at the results of past assessments?
We classify users into three groups: Organization admin, regular employee, and manager, which have different operation’s needs.
Working together in a sprint, we make ideations, validate ideas, and solve significant challenges through prototyping and testing ideas with the product, customer success, and engineering team.
Design concept
Calibration for an honest appraisal of an employee’s work
It is a process in which multiple managers discuss employees’ performance ratings, thus ensuring an objective assessment is made based on past performance and other employees with similar job descriptions. In addition, calibration can identify a mentoring opportunity, triggering the manager to dig deeper into the source of the skill and highlight growth opportunities.
We separate the handoff file based on module and feature, so we can maintain it more manageable. We make sure that assets are passed on appropriately. Include design files, documentation, and guidelines.
This feature is one of the essential features of Happy5 Performance. This feature brought us one of our biggest clients, BCA and BRI, the two largest banks in Indonesia. We also hear success stories from our clients, especially the human resource department team, when using this feature, speeding up their appraisal process in the organization.
Design can continuously be improved; it’s essential to know when to ship and wait for user feedback to further iterations. Until now, the Happy5 performance review has already done many iterations to deliver a better and much better product. We also always listen to feedback from both new and existing clients. Their input is beneficial for the development of this performance review feature.
From this project, we also understand the importance of making documentation as early as possible. Good documentation will significantly facilitate the product team, customer success, and engineers in developing this feature further. Documentation can also help our new clients as a reference for the onboarding process.