Author: nicogilani
Performance Review
- Post author By nicogilani
- Post date May 12, 2021
- No Comments on Performance Review
Essentially, two kinds of performance reviews exist, ongoing review and formal reviews. The ongoing review can happen anytime soon after a person completes a specific goal/task. Usually, it is an unstructured review and concerning on how well the person handled the goal/task at hand.
On the other hand, formal reviews are scheduled (usually once a year although quarterly and 6-months reviews are also common) and are typically done by all managers during the same period. They are designed to review an employee’s development performance for an entire year and are “official.”

Product Designer
Product Thinking, Business Process Analysis, Information Architecture, Visual Design, Interaction, Prototyping & Testing, and Documenting UI Elements
November 2018 – 2020
Agus Iskandar · Product Manager
Nico Ariesto Gilani · Product Designer
Christoper Bobby · Front-end
Hari · Front-end
Irsal Ramadhan · Front-end
Reinhart · Front-end
Andy Dharmawan · Backend
The performance review process within a company can be challenging to deal with. Both the HR team, employees, and managers have their own obstacles in carrying out the performance review process. Not only is it stressful for all parties involved, but it’s also horribly ineffective. According to the Society for Human Resource Management, and as reported in Slate, “95% of employees are dissatisfied with their company’s appraisal process. What’s more, 90 percent don’t believe the process provides accurate information.”
The first part of the research was to understand how the performance reviews were conducted in an organization. We gathered some information from our clients on how they did the performance review, their problem when they do the performance review, and what can be improved from their process.
We also talked with our potential client. We tried to find as many cases as possible from a different perspective.
Key takeaways
Based on the user needs from different organizations’ perspectives, we summarized the key takeaways we hope to achieve with the performance review.
- Each organization has a unique and different assessment process, such as what the participants will assess on performance review, different rating scales for conducting assessments, what type of score can be viewed by the participants after the assessment is over, etc.
- Employees, especially managers, have difficulty in providing objective assessments of their subordinates.
- Employees need to view the results of past assessments as a personal review history when they have to review again in the future as a context.
- Managers have to apply similar standards across all employees to ensure that all employees are evaluated on the same criteria – no matter to whom they report.
How can we make this performance review work for all organizations and customizable based on their requirements?
How might we help employees fill the assessment objectively?
How might we make this performance review easy to use when employees doing an assessment and when looking at the results of past assessments?
We classify users into three groups: Organization admin, regular employee, and manager, which have different operation’s needs.
Working together in a sprint, we make ideations, validate ideas, and solve significant challenges through prototyping and testing ideas with the product, customer success, and engineering team.
Design concept
- Make a composer’s performance review that is modular to customize it according to the organization’s needs. There are three main modules to support or run a performance review:
- Track template is a feature that allows the admin to specify what attributes the reviewer will assess in a performance cycle. Organization admin can create new track templates, view and archive existing track templates.
- Rating template is a feature that allows the admin to set the rating scale along with the formula. Admin will select this template rating according to the template track feature.
- The performance review cycle feature allows admins to create performance reviews by specifying phases and track templates, setting performance review schedules, selecting participants, etc.
- Provide feature performance calibration. Calibration drives truth into performance reviews, creating a more honest appraisal of an employee’s work.
- Provide source evidence section for managers. There will be a panel located on the right that will show contextual information according to which part of the manager review they are currently viewing. It will help managers to review objectively if they can view review results from their reviewee’s peer, upward, and self-review.
- Provide pages to view the results and answers of the performance reviews that have been done. Employees can also export the results to PDF.
Calibration for an honest appraisal of an employee’s work
It is a process in which multiple managers discuss employees’ performance ratings, thus ensuring an objective assessment is made based on past performance and other employees with similar job descriptions. In addition, calibration can identify a mentoring opportunity, triggering the manager to dig deeper into the source of the skill and highlight growth opportunities.
We separate the handoff file based on module and feature, so we can maintain it more manageable. We make sure that assets are passed on appropriately. Include design files, documentation, and guidelines.

This feature is one of the essential features of Happy5 Performance. This feature brought us one of our biggest clients, BCA and BRI, the two largest banks in Indonesia. We also hear success stories from our clients, especially the human resource department team, when using this feature, speeding up their appraisal process in the organization.
Design can continuously be improved; it’s essential to know when to ship and wait for user feedback to further iterations. Until now, the Happy5 performance review has already done many iterations to deliver a better and much better product. We also always listen to feedback from both new and existing clients. Their input is beneficial for the development of this performance review feature.
From this project, we also understand the importance of making documentation as early as possible. Good documentation will significantly facilitate the product team, customer success, and engineers in developing this feature further. Documentation can also help our new clients as a reference for the onboarding process.
The e-license application is an AAJI (Asosiasi Asuransi Jiwa Indonesia) license card application in digital form that can only be accessed and used limitedly by agents as an official identity card in marketing insurance products.

AAJI is responsible for overseeing the insurance company’s performance to provide the best service to the community according to predetermined standards. AAJI is also the only association authorized to audit and issue licenses for life insurance marketers in Indonesia. Marketing agents must have a license from AAJI to be able to market insurance products from their company. An AAJI licensed marketing agent will provide security guarantees for prospective insurance customers.

UI Designer
Concept Ideation, Interaction, Visual Design, Prototyping, Documenting UI Elements.
September 2018 (3 weeks)
Ivana Elisa · UX Designer
Nico Ariesto Gilani · UI Designer
Fitrah Ramadhan · Android Dev
Ibnu Muzzakkir · IOS Dev
Hilman Syafei · Backend
The physical license card issued by AAJI to their agents was made of plastic material prone to damage and loss. Agents need extra effort in maintaining their license card. A card license cannot store all the relevant information it needs due to its size limitations. Also, there may be a risk to the validity of the agent’s license. The main issues concerning validation media like insurance license are:
- Gathering of all data
- Storage of the above data so that it can be accessed fast
- Retrieval of the data into meaningful information as a when queried
- Prevention of issue of duplicate license as frauds and clones using the database for counter checks
We started by understanding our users by collecting information from AAJI companies, their purposes, and managing various insurance agent information sources. We used the official AAJI website to try to find inspiration, brand image, and gaps in the user’s needs.
We found detailed information on agent membership, types, list of certifications, and other agent regulations. From this, we can imagine the grouping of users and their needs. Talking to the stakeholders directly also helped us identify some key insights.
We classify users into two groups: verified and unverified insurance agents, which have different operations needs. A verified agent is an agent that has at least one certification and is still in the membership period. Also, unverified agents who have not participated in any certifications or their membership period has ended.
Design goals
Based on the user needs and the gaps in existing flows, we summarized the higher-level goals we hope to achieve with the build the e-license.
After having a go-ahead from the Stakeholders, we began digitalizing lo-fi and hi-fi designs.
A lo-fi exploration and user flow created by Ivana Elisa.
We think about creating a homepage, which will be the agent’s first landing page. This homepage will be a highlight page that will answer our two main goals.
We are thinking of making an e-card by not changing the experience of the conventional card itself. We emphasize here how to facilitate the agent: to convince potential users to join their insurance services. We created an e-card that can be easily folded to see complete information. We also facilitate the card with authentic agency evidence to increase the trust of prospective users. They can quickly scan the barcode to see the original proof of membership.
Card Design
We use existing card designs as the primary reference in designing agent cards for this e-license app. Agents no longer need to take the time to recognize digital cards, eliminating the familiarity gap between conventional and digital card designs. We also make sure the card’s design meets the requirement of WCAG AA.
Facilitating the certification process more seamlessly and highlight the latest updates from ongoing certifications
Based on our analysis on the AAJI official website, we found all certifications information. But it is not sufficient for them when they should visit and log in to the website continuously. There are no status update’s notifications delivered in real-time. We try to display the status and the ongoing certification process on the main page, so agents can immediately take some action based on the latest exam status.
Incorporate brand voice to e-license app design
We Inject AAJI’s existing brand present so that the UI can have an impression that agents can easily recognize.
We make sure that assets are passed-on properly. Include design files, documentation, and guidelines.

We create a license mobile application to replace the physical license card function. E-license is also used as a medium of communication between companies and agents regarding updating insurance information.
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